TPCH Mental Health Service — Health in Chermside

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TPCH Mental Health Service

Health at 490 Hamilton Rd, Chermside QLD 4032, Australia, Chermside, Queensland, 4032 . Here you will find detailed information about TPCH Mental Health Service: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Based on 1 reviews


490 Hamilton Rd, Chermside QLD 4032, Australia, Chermside, Queensland, 4032

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About TPCH Mental Health Service

TPCH Mental Health Service is a Australian Health based in Chermside, Queensland. TPCH Mental Health Service is located at 490 Hamilton Rd, Chermside QLD 4032, Australia,

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Reviews of TPCH Mental Health Service

  • Connor
    Added 2016.04.16
    5star minus absolutely digusting most mental patients don't even see a doctor let alone a anything else ive seen one patient been taken by police and strapped by ambulance of self harm and extremely ill thrown on the streets without even being admitted, i watched a mother today sitting in the waiting room that had been belted up by her daughter clearly extremly hurt and distraught with a book her daughter had written of all self harm and weird pictures of self hatred. And a horrible nasty woman that was just a social worker said to the mother that they were releasing her daughter onto the streets without any other person accessing her .The girl was so well known to the hospital that even the security guards new her and said is daughter got red hair the woman said yes , they said yeah we know her she been bought in at least 6 times in a few weeks and they just let her go, as you could imagine the horror on our faces and to see how distraught the mother was the social worker was a long mediam hair blonde lady that refused to give her name ....My question is why do we put all these adds on television for mental health issues and you don't get help all i can say is your service is digusting and needs to be reported to the abudmuson and local mayor ,and not once was the mother asked if she was ok there was marks around her neck a black eye and could clearly see was in serious pain as well of being extremely distraught just treated digusting she beg them to help her daughter , but nope wouldn't even look at the book either .Apparently the mother was from nsw and begged for a doctor so she could be transferred near her but again the anwser was no .As a visitor to the area and watching a mother's heartache to get help was ask to leave so her daughter could be released that i believe was 20 to fend forself with no place to go ....WHERE IS YOUR ETHICS AND DUTY OF CARE YOU SOCIAL WORKER NOT SHOULD ONLY LEARN MANNERS BUT I BELIEVE SHOULD BE SACKED ALL I CAN SAY I GLAD I DON'T LIVE IN YOUR AREA CERTAINLY WOULDN'T PUT MY LIFE IN YOUR HANDS
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